What is a prolapse bladder?
A prolapse bladder is just one type of prolapse that can occur when the pelvic floor muscles weaken and one or more organ tissue shifts out of its normal position into the vaginal canal.
There are actually five types of prolapse organs. They are as follows;
- 1. Bladder prolapse which is called cystocele.
- 2. Rectum prolapse which is called rectocele.
- 3. Uterus prolapse which is called uterine.
- 4. Vagina vault prolapse.
- 5. Intestines (enterocele).
Today we are going to talk about the prolapse bladder. A prolapse condition is the most silent epidemic among women worldwide. It is seldom ever talked about because of how embarrassing this condition is. Women in every country around the world experience prolapse. Most have no idea what is happening to their body because they are too scared to tell their doctors or even discuss it with anyone. Who could blame them? It’s very devastating to feel your insides coming out.
A bladder prolapse is where the bladder( because of a weak pelvic floor) will push its way down into the vaginal space and will eventually protrude out of the vaginal opening. This condition may cause several problems for some women and no pain at all for others. In some cases this condition will also interfere with being able to fully empty your bladder. Some women seem to be able to live with a prolapse bladder and others seek out an operation to try to correct their condition.
I never heard of a prolapse bladder until way back in 1998 when I was cooking a Christmas turkey. I was lifting it in and out of the oven and by the end of the evening I felt an unusual feeling in my private area. It wasn’t a feeling of pain, just a feeling that I had some sort of bulge like feeling down below. I went up to the bathroom to urinate when I felt this lump coming out of my vagina. I was horrified and I thought for sure it was a tumor of some kind. I instantly went into panic mode and went to seek help at the emergency department of the hospital.
I learned from the doctor that I had lifted too much weight by taking that turkey in and out of the oven all day. I had put severe strain on my pelvic floor which must have been weak and allowed my bladder to fall down into my vagina area. I was told this condition was not life threatening but I would have to do pelvic floor exercises etc to help my prolapse go back into its original position. I must say I did manage to correct my prolapse to a certain degree with exercises but it was still not exactly where it should be.
As the years went by and we fast forward to 2015, menopause had occurred. Menopause caused my prolapse to start dropping again and it was a very scary thought for me to think of how far a bladder could stretch. I knew then and there that I was going to have a problem in the near future if I didn’t get some sort of support for this condition. Since I was not in any pain and certainly did not want to entertain the thought of an operation, I decided to create my own support garment for a prolapse bladder.
I wanted something that would not be clinical looking, user friendly, light weight, no restrictions and provide me with just enough compression in the vagina area where the support was desperately needed. This is how the Hide-a-way was created and there is not a day goes by that I am not thankful for the support the Hide-a-way provides. I hope others will benefit from this product as well. Especially those who cannot have an operation or cannot tolerate a pessary. I hope we can all continue to enjoy our daily lives with the help of this support garment that gives us just the right lift we need. Although it cannot cure a prolapse it will give you the support necessary in the vagina area that your underwear cannot possibly provide.